The General Membership is the easiest way to join our network of nearly 9,000 members worldwide and participate in our international programs.

By joining INTBAU, you will receive:
  • Monthly newsletters announcing international projects and events
  • Networking opportunities with other local chapter members

By joining INTBAU MEXICO, you will receive:
  • Monthly newsletters that will provide specific information about events led by the chapter
  • Early registration and special access to INTBAU and INTBAU MEXICO events, such as the INTBAU World Congress or INTBAU MEXICO workshops, excursions or summer schools

All applications for general membership are welcome. We try to encourage people of all backgrounds and experiences to participate in our network. For more information about professional and corporate memberships, please send us an email.


If any issues arise in filling out the form or if any other questions persists, please:

Contact us